
Thirteen Ghouls Of Halloween 2021 Night 3

On the third night of Thirteen Ghouls of Halloween a ship is seen offshore just barely peaking out through the thick fog bank. An eerie greenish glow emanates from it and a tattered flag baring the Jolly Roger flaps with each gust of the cold night wind. The Ghost Pirate Queen Amalthea commands this ship…


Charlie the Burlesque Dancer

There’s a new CBD in town ready to cure your ills, no not with the oil, but with a fine performance… although there maybe oil involved… Charlie the Burlesque Dancer is ready to take the stage and perform a show for you and your audience. Will she be singing and dancing? Telling bawdy jokes? Or…


Brooding Knight Ryker

Not sure if you can figure this out or not, but Ryker is a bit blue… And I’m not just talking about his hair. What dark secret from his past has him always brooding? Is he a force for good or a minion of evil? Perhaps he works for Floyd, or has he been sent…


Bounty Hunter Bridget

In the not too distant future, Bridget is an elite bounty hunter. Armed with her trusted pistols (and probably some other weapons) she will track down all sorts of wanted criminals, be they of terrestrial or extra-terrestrial in nature. Who will she be hunting down? Or will she be the one who ends up being…


Dark Prince Floyd

Floyd has been waiting a long time to move up from Prince to King. Has he been biding his time patiently? Or has he secretly been working behind the scenes waiting for a coup? Perhaps he was banished from his kingdom and has been working to reclaim his rightful place? Will he be a bloodthirsty,…


Briallen Elven Royalty

Another traveler on the ship under Commander Drannor’s command is Briallen. She is an Elven royal traveling in disguise as a regular citizen of the Intergalactic Elven Empire who is just trying to fit in with the customary clothing of the denizens of the small blue planet. Why is she traveling in disguise? Is she…


Finn the Berserker

Don’t let the amazing dancing skills or the pink faux-hawk fool you, Finn is one of the fiercest warriors around! And if you have something derogatory to say about his dance floor moves or hair he will show you just how berserk he can get! What type of adventures will you send Finn on in…


Sinister Side Of Botan

Botan is out enjoying a nice day dressed in her favorite skinny jeans, t-shirt, and blazer. It seems like a good day for her… that is… until the black spots start to appear on her forehead. Is she infected with some new disease? Maybe some new nano-technology? Or, is it a sign she is possessed…